14 Amazing Tools for Blog Names Ideas (Pick Perfect Blog Name)


Choosing a blog name is one of those things that seems like a big deal. After all, how do you come up with something catchy and memorable? How do you know whether it’s too long or short?

And most importantly, how do you choose a name that fits well with your blog’s niche and appeals to your ideal reader? We’re here to help!

Fundamentals of Choosing a Blog Name

So, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of picking a blog name that makes sense for your needs and your audience.

Start with the Basics

The first thing you want to think about when naming your blog is what your target audience might say out loud when reading your name aloud. For example, if you run a blog about DIY home decor projects, you won’t want to use the word “decor.” Instead, you’d probably go with something like “DIY Home Decor Projects,” or maybe even “Home Decor Projects.”

Think About Your Niche

Next, think about the type of content you post on your blog. Do you write primarily recipes or focus mainly on travel stories? Maybe your blog is about fashion trends, or you cover topics like personal finance or parenting. Whatever it is, make sure your chosen name reflects your topic area.

Start broad if you don’t know where your blog falls within your niche. Then narrow down your options based on the types of posts you publish. For instance, if you’re writing about parenting, you could consider naming your blog “Parenting Tips & Advice.” Or, if you write mostly recipe blogs, you could call yours “Recipes.”

Keep It Simple

If you’re having trouble coming up with a name, try starting with a few words that describe your blog’s central theme. For example, if your blog covers food, you could name it “Food Recipes.” This way, you can keep your blog name simple without worrying about making it longer than necessary.

Know your audience

Knowing your audience is the foundation of blogging success. If you don’t know what kind of topics people are searching for online, how do you plan to attract readers? When choosing a topic for your blog or creating a brand name, knowing your audience is the key to finding something that resonates with your audience.

Brandable name

Your blog name is one of the most important things you’ll ever develop for your site. People see what they type into the URL bar, how they find you online, and what makes you memorable. So, make sure you pick a name that’s unique, easy to remember, and that fits well within a visual branding system.

Best blog naming methods

Before we jump into our 17 different ways to choose a blog name, let me start by saying that, like choosing a name for a person, pet, or business, you want to pick a name that can grow and change over time.

With this in mind, make sure the name you choose is original and not too particular so that you can scale your readership and extend your possibilities to earn money blogging.

This permits you to broaden your audience and develop your online income. In addition, it ought to be simple to discover and effortless to recall.

According to Joshua Brentan, a content developer and brand builder who names numerous Wix items and features, do not stop at the excellent initial concept you’ve got.

Let a book inspire your blog name

Reading is a powerful tool for creativity. You’ve probably heard about how it can help you learn a foreign language faster. But did you know that it can also help you brainstorm a clever blog name idea?

I recently read a post on Medium called “How Reading Can Open Your Mind,” where author Sarah Seltzer shares her experience with what she calls “the power of reading.” She writes, “When I’m stuck, I turn to books. They are like a gateway drug to opening my mind.

When I start reading, ideas begin bubbling up. Sometimes I’ll find myself writing down notes in the margins; sometimes, I’ll jot down thoughts in a notebook beside my bed. And sometimes, I’ll let the words wash over me, allowing my brain to wander wherever it wants to go.”

Use the power of a Dictionary or Thesaurus

If you’re having trouble coming up with good ideas, start by browsing online dictionaries and thesauri. You’ll find thousands of options. Here are a few examples:

The American Heritage® College Dictionary

Merriam Webster® Collegiate Dictionary

Webster’s New World College Dictionary

Oxford English Dictionary Online

Using Alliteration

Alliteration is when the letters of different words begin together, like “buzz,” “bounce,” and “jazz.” They tend to roll easily off the tongue, making them easy to remember. And they can be fun to say.

But what makes alliteration work? When we hear it, there’s something about how the sounds flow together that seems natural and pleasing. We don’t think twice about saying it.

So how do you use alliteration effectively? Start with a list of as many related words as possible that begin with the same letter. Then choose the best ones and try writing out the sentence. You’ll see how well it fits together.

Use your own name as a blog name

Using your own name or nickname allows people who read your posts to instantly recognize you. You don’t want them to think you’re some anonymous blogger. If you use your full name, you’ll end up with a URL like www.yourname.com/blog.

If you combine your name with another keyword, such as “blogger,” you can get a URL like www.yourname.com/blogger. Either one works great, but there’s a slight difference between them. Yourname.com is easier to remember because it’s shorter. Plus, it makes it easy for others to find you online. 

Simplifying blog name with abbreviations

An abbreviation is simply a shorter version of a word or phrase. For example, MBH stands for Make-up and Beauty hacks. This allows us to make a statement with just three letters. But abbreviating words doesn’t always mean making them shorter; sometimes, it means condensing the meaning into one succinct word. Here are some examples of its use:

• BBL Blogging Basics Land

• DOA Designing Your Own Attire

• FTL Favorite Things List

Combination of Unrelated Words

The best way to come up with a unique domain name is to combine random, unrelated words to make something memorable. This method works well because people remember things that sound good rather than those that are easy to spell. If you want to try this technique, here are some examples:

1. Blogger: The Dancing Furniture – A photography blog about furniture.

2. Photographer: The Laughing Camera – A photography blog about laughing cameras.

4. Painter: The Colorful Carpet – A painting blog about colorful carpets.

5. Designer: The Beautiful Chair – A design blog about beautiful chairs.

Use Pun

A pun is a play on words where one word sounds like another, but it doesn’t mean the same thing. Puns are used in many forms of writing, including jokes, advertising, and poetry. A good pun makes readers laugh while also making them think about what the writer intended.

The best way to come up with a pun is to find something that already exists and change it. For example, if you wanted to make a pun out of “snapshot,” you could say, “Oh snap!”

Using your location in the name of the blog

When blogging in a competitive industry like travel, it can be good practice to differentiate yourself by becoming an expert in your niche. You can do this by including a location in your blog name. For example, if you’re writing about traveling to New York City, you could call your site “Alice in NYC.” This helps readers know where you come from and what you specialize in.

If you want to ensure your blog gets found in searches for places relevant to your area of expertise, use the name of a place in your blog name. If someone is looking for travel blogs in Australia, they might type into a search bar something like “travel blogs Australia,” and your blog will pop up.

 Using Made up words

Ikea, Häagen Dazs, and Sony all mean nothing to us. But we love their brands and products. They just happen to be very successful companies. In fact, 

When you think about it, there are many other brands out there that don’t mean much, either. For example, Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Nike, Samsung… All these names just mean nothing to most people. But they are household names.

So why does it work for these brands? Because they have done a great job with their marketing and branding. Their products are always amazing, so people keep coming back for more.

 Try to be descriptive

When naming your blog, describe precisely what you want to write about. You don’t necessarily need to use words like “blog,” “website,” or “newsletter.” If you do decide to go down the blogging route, just make sure you include words that are relevant to your niche.

If you decide to start a blog about personal finance, don’t call it a “Personal Finance Blog.” Instead, try something like “Money Matters: Personal Finance Tips & Advice.” Or maybe even “Personal Finance: How To Save Money.”

Mix international languages

Want to sound more international and exciting to readers around the world? There are many ways to do it. One way is to include a foreign language in your domain name. And while some people think that having a .com extension makes a site seem more professional, others believe that adding a second language to your domain can make your brand stand out even more.

Using a famous saying or quote

You can use common phrases to your advantage by slightly modifying them to fit your blog name. For example, if you’ve heard the saying “a stitch in time saves nine,” you can modify it to be “a stitch in time saved my blog.” Not only will coming up with a blog name be easier since you have a starting point, but it will also be more memorable since it relates to a known phrase.

To help you think of common sayings, you can turn to Pinterest for quotes or articles that list the most common English proverbs.

Portmanteau names

A portmanteau is an act of creating a word out of two existing words. Regarding naming blogs, there are plenty of opportunities to create brandable domain names. One way to do this is to combine two popular words to make something completely new.

For example, if you had a travel blog, you could come up with some creative combinations like:

footravel – foot+travel

footour – foot+tour

foopacker – foot+backpacker

Best Blog Name Generators of 2022

Plenty of tools can do it for you if you are looking for a great way to come up with unique blog names. However, we found some useful tools that might make things easier. So, let’s look at the best blog name generators for 20212.


Nameboy is the oldest and one of the most popular blog name generators available today. It allows you to find unique, brandable, memorable domain names for personal, professional, or commercial purposes. 

IsitWP blog name generator

IsItWP is a free WordPress plugin that generates hundreds of unique domain name ideas. It works just like a name generator, except it does it automatically. You simply enter your keywords or brand and then click Generate Names. Then, you’ll receive a long list of suggested names.

The plugin uses machine learning technology to generate the most relevant results. In addition, there are some filters you can apply to narrow down the options even further. This way, you’ll end up with a shortlist of great domain names.


Business Name Generator (BNG) is a free tool that helps you brainstorm awesome blog names in just a few seconds. This software generated over 18000 unique names when I entered the words “dog food” in the search box and checked domain availability. You can use it to find a great domain name for your personal or professional blog. And because it’s free, there are no limits on how many domains you can research.


Wordoid is a practical blog name generator if you don’t know what to call your blog. With this tool, you can enter two keywords, generating a list of potential names based on how those terms are used together.

For example, entering “blogging,” “social media,” and “marketing” will give you a list of possible names like BloggingSocialMarketing.com, SocialMediaBlogging.com, etc. There are many possibilities, so take your time exploring this tool.


Domain.com is one of my favorite domain name registrars because it does much more than just register domains. It offers a free web hosting plan where you can host multiple sites, plus a blogging tool that allows you to quickly set up a personal site.

You can even register a .com domain without paying anything extra. In addition, Domain.com provides an excellent domain name generator that helps you come up with unique domain names.

The tool reveals hundreds of domain names based on the keywords you enter. There are several options, including popular extensions like.net,.org,.info,.biz, and.us. You can also narrow down your selection by selecting a specific TLD (.com,.co.uk, etc.) or entering a keyword.


Domain Wheel is a fantastic blog name generator. You simply enter one or more keywords into the search box and click the “search domains” button. Domain Wheel will show you a list of possible domain names for your blog, along with some suggestions.


NameMesh makes it easy to discover great blog names by offering naming suggestions across different categories.

Once you search your keywords, NameMesh will show you naming ideas in categories like common, new, short, similar, SEO, fun, and others.

For example, if you are looking for a blog name related to sports, you might type in ‘sports lover’ in the box. Then, NameMesh will display naming suggestions for blogs like Sports Lover, Sports Blogger, Sports Fanatic, Sports Enthusiast, etc.

You can use these naming suggestions to come up with a unique blog name.

Lean Domain Search

If you’re looking for a simple domain name finder tool, look no further than Lean Domain Search. Just enter a keyword, and the tool will display a list of suggested names sorted by popularity, price, age, and more. When you find the perfect domain name, just add it to your cart and checkout. It’s that easy!


Wizlogo is a free tool that helps bloggers find a unique blog name. You simply enter keywords related to your blog topic and hit “Generate.” After you select your preferred domain name, the site gives you a list of names based on your criteria. All you need to do now is pick the best option. 


Namify is a blog name creator that allows you to generate a unique blog name based on your keyword. You can choose categories, such as Food, Travel, Fashion, etc., and enter the type of topic you want to write about to further refine your search.

Once you’ve selected a category, you’ll see a list of potential blog names generated based on your keyword. If it doesn’t match up with anything, try adding another word, like “blog,” to the end of your keyword.


123Finder.com is one of my favorite tools because it takes the guesswork out of finding a great blog name. I’ve used it many times over the years to find domains that are already taken, domains that are available, and even domains that are just perfect for what I’m trying to do.

I’m sure plenty of people want to start blogging but don’t know where to begin. 123Finder.Com can help them identify a great name that won’t break the bank.

Instant Domain Search

Instant Domain Search is a free tool that helps you find domain names for your blog. You simply enter the keyword to start with your blog name search and select one of the suggested options. You can purchase the domain name, transfer ownership to another person, or keep it as a backup option.

 The blog name suggestions are instant, just like the tool’s name. It allows you to filter your results based on domain extensions, the availability of the domain name, and if the domain name is available for sale from the current owner. 


Blogtyrant is one of those tools that I wish existed ten years ago. When I first started blogging, I had no idea what to call my site, so I used to spend hours searching for names online. At some point, I learned about the WordPress Business Directory plugin, which helped me find domains that matched the keywords I wanted to rank for. But there are still times when I’m stuck wondering what to call my site. It’s that time when BlogTyrant is of much help. 

Network Solutions

Network Solutions is one of the world’s largest domain registrars. They are one of the most trusted companies in the industry. With over 7 million domains registered, they offer everything anyone could ever want in a web address. From hosting to SSL certificates, they cover the entire spectrum.

But many people don’t know that they also have a built-in domain name generator that allows you to find some great blog domain names. You just type your keyword into the box, giving you a list of options.

If the word you entered is already taken, it will show you other alternatives. And once you pick out a domain, you can buy it immediately.

 Before Making the Final Decision on the Blog Name

With your name in hand, now is the time to consider your next move. You’ve spent hours researching and brainstorming ideas but still haven’t settled on one. There are many factors to consider when choosing a domain name, including how easy it is to remember, how well it fits your brand, and whether it offers enough room for growth. If you don’t know where to start, here are some tips to help you make the best choice possible.

 Is the blog/domain available?

Name generators are great tools for generating potential blog names and domains. They allow you to enter keywords and see what combinations come up. The problem is most of them don’t check whether the combination exists already, meaning you could end up registering something that someone else owns. Therefore, check with a domain registrar to see if the domain you want to take is available.

How does the domain name sound

The name of your blog matters. If you want people to find your site easily, choose a good one. But what about your domain name? Is it unique enough? Does it look professional? Do you know whether it reads well in domain format? Let’s take a closer look.

A.com is the most common choice for bloggers because it’s easy to remember, fits naturally into your URL, and makes sense for readers. However, many other options exist, including.net,.org,.biz, and even.info.

You might think that choosing a short, memorable domain name sounds appealing, but that’s not always the case. A lot of popular domains are already taken, and some of those are pretty generic. For example,.photography isn’t very specific. And while .review could work for certain niches, it’s too general for others.

Another thing to consider is whether your domain name includes a keyword. While using keywords in your blog name is fine, you don’t want to make it sound like a spammy ad. So if your blog is about photography, don’t pick something like .photo.

If you’re considering picking up a .blog domain, keep in mind that it’s not necessarily the best option for every niche. You may not want to use a.blog for a technical blog since it’s often used for personal blogs. Also, some sites aren’t able to register a .blog domain.

Finally, just because a domain name works for one person doesn’t mean it will work for another. Your audience needs to be able to connect with your brand. Make sure your domain name reflects your personality and values.

Is the blog name easy to spell and read

As you promote your blog, make sure you pick a name that is easy to remember and spell and doesn’t sound silly or confusing. If you’re having trouble coming up with a good name, ask yourself these three questions:

1. Is it short and sweet?

2. Can someone easily find it online?

3. Does it describe what you do?

If the answer to these questions is yes, congratulations—you’ve got a great name!

Are Social Media Account Handles Available

Social media accounts are becoming increasingly important in today’s digital world. However, many people don’t know whether or not they can access their desired handles. Some accounts are entirely inaccessible because they have been taken down due to copyright infringement issues.

The good news is that there are still plenty of options out there. You just need to research and find alternatives that work for you.

Now that you know all the intricacies of naming your blog, which tools to use for generating a catchy name for your blog, and what to keep in mind before finalizing your blog identity, it is time you got to work and started using this information. 

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